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19 Haziran 2017

Search and Rescue organisations patrolling the Libyan coasts have saved thousands of lives that European border policies left to perish.

Despite their life-saving work, the employees and volunteers of these NGOs are routinely accused of colluding with traffickers and helping immigrants to illegally enter Europe.

2 Mayıs 2017

Kazım Kızıl 17 Nisan günü İzmir’de yapılan protestoları filme almak üzere bir gösteriye gitti. İnsanlar Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’a geniş yeni yetkiler veren anayasa referandumunu oylamasındaki aykırılıkları protesto etmek için toplanmıştı.

Ancak protesto eylemi, polisin müdahale ederek yaklaşık 20 kişiyi gözaltına alması sebebiyle uzun süremedi. Gözaltına alınanlardan biri Kazım’dı. Belli ki Kazım’ın kamerası onlar için bir tehditti: Türk yetkililer baskı operasyonunu kimsenin belgelemesini istemiyordu.

5 Nisan 2017

Dispatches 2016 presents the work Front Line Defenders has undertaken around the world for the protection and security of human rights defenders at risk in 2016, including the impact of grants, training, advocacy, visibility, rest & respite and other programs, as well as the launch of the HRD Memorial, honoring HRDs killed since the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders in 1998.

Download Dispatches 2016

6 Mart 2017

Ana Maria has helped hundreds of Dominicans of Haitian descent reclaim their rights, and resist racism and discrimination. Lorraine leads innovative education initiatives, to raise awareness about environmental rights in communities affected by coal mining in South Africa. Nisha successfully challenged a law discriminating against transgender people in Malaysia, and set up the first organisation providing support to the trans community in her country.

3 Ocak 2017

Front Line Defenders, Risk Altındaki İnsan Hakları Savunucuları 2016 Yıllık Raporu'nu açıklarken, 2016 yılında 1000'den fazla insan hakları savunucusunun öldürüldüğünü, taciz edildiğini, gözaltına alındığını veya karalama kampanyaları ve benzeri ihlallere uğradığını söyledi.

Raporu İndir

9 Ağustos 2016

Here are the activists at risk for defending them.

When members of Juan Francisco Martínez’s community found his body in January 2015, his body bore marks of torture. One of his hands was still tied with what appeared to be laces from military boots.

Juan, a human rights defender and indigenous Lenca man from Honduras, was found on 5 January 2015 in the village of Tapuyman in the Santa Elena Municipality of La Paz, Honduras. He had been killed the day before.

