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Open Case
22 July 2020

On July 25 2020, human rights defender Azimjan Askarov died in Kyrgyzstan at penal colony №47 where he had been transferred a day before for medical examination.

On 22 July 2020, Azimjan Askarov’s lawyer Valeryan Vakhitov visited the human rights defender in prison and reported that his health had deteriorated significantly.

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Open Case
13 June 2016

Update: on 7 August 2019, human rights defender Guo Feixiong was released, at the end of his six-year prison sentence.

Guo, the 2015 winner of the Front Line Defenders Award for Human Rights Defenders at Risk, served a six year prison sentence for “gathering crowds to disturb social order” and “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”.

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Open Case
19 March 2021

On the evening of 16 March 2021, woman human rights defender Atena Daemi was transferred from Evin Prison to Lakan Prison in Rasht, northern Iran. She had been serving her sentence in the women's ward of Evin Prison since December 2016, during which time she was not granted any leave of absence. No explanation for the transfer was given.

On 25 February 2021, the Supreme Court in Iran rejected the request for a retrial of woman human rights defender Atena Daemi.

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Open Case
16 June 2023

On 21 July 2024, human rights defender Cheng Yuan completed a five-year sentence at the Chishan Prison in Hunan province, and subsequently returned to his home in Nanjing city, Jiangsu province.

On 13 June 2023, family members met human rights defender Cheng Yuan at the Chishan Prison in the Hunan province. Cheng Yuan said he was subjected to corporal punishment and other ill-treatment when he was placed in a high-security ward of the prison between January and April 2022.

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Open Case
2 August 2024

On 1 August 2024, Bronislav Danylovych, the father of imprisonment woman human rights defender and journalist Iryna Danylovych, passed away at the age of 78 after a long battle with cancer. Bronislav Danylovych was a main force in advocating for his daughter’s release and was dedicated to the cause of human rights.

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Open Case
6 September 2023

On 3 September 2023, the lawyer of human rights defenders Jafar Ebrahimi and Kamyar Fakour announced that they have been charged with “disturbing the public order” and “insulting the prison authorities” at Branch 3 of Evin prison court. Both human rights defenders were forcibly transferred to Qezel Hesar prison from Evin prison on the same day, as part of a group of at least ten prisoners.

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Open Case
17 August 2023

On 15 August 2023, human rights defender Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja was denied a prearranged video call with his daughter days after he was rushed to the intensive care unit where doctors declared his life was in danger. Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja is in imminent danger of losing his life sincehe has started a water-only hunger strike on 9 August 2023 in protest against his continued imprisonment and denial of access to adequate medical treatment.

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Open Case
18 November 2021

On the 7th anniversary of the peaceful popular movement of the Bahraini people which started on 14 February 2011, the NGOs called on the international community to help free human rights defenders in Bahrain, some of whom are jailed for life, and to stop the persecution of journalists simply for peacefully exercising their rights to freedom of expression and assembly. On 05 February 2018, Abdulhadi's wife Khadija Al-Mousawi tweeted that she visited her husband  who has been targeted and abused in Jaw prison and has been taken to hospital in shackles.

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Open Case
1 August 2024

Human rights defender from Indian-administered Kashmir (IAK) Mohammad Ahsan Untoo has been incarcerated fot over two years, following his arrest on 14 January 2022 under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA). His arrest is linked to tweets published by the human rights defender highlighting human rights violations in Kashmir, which police allege are secessionist in nature.

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Open Case
29 July 2016

On 23 July 2016, 78 year old human rights defender Mr Mi Chongbiao and his 68 year old wife, Ms Li Kezhen, were reportedly assaulted by officers from the national security bureau in Guiyang, Guizhou province. The couple have been arbitrarily detained for over four years in a number of different locations under the control and surveillance of the Guiyang City police, the Public Security Bureau and hired security guards.

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Open Case
19 June 2017

On 13 June 2017, Manikganj Judge, Mahbubur Rahman, filed a case under section 57 of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Act against human rights defender, Golam Mujtaba Dhruba, for an article he published on 11 June 2017. The article reported on an argument which took place between court employees and a local family after a truck, rented by Judge Mahbubur in order to move his belongings, obstructed the road and prevented the family from driving their sick child to hospital.

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Open Case
27 September 2023

Human rights defender Guo Feixiong (郭飞雄) (real name: Yang Maodong 杨茂东) has been on hunger strike in prison and his health has severely deteriorated. When his family visited him in early September at the Sihui Prison in Zhaoqing, Guangdong Province, the human rights defender looked severely emaciated, extremely pale, and weighed around 40kg, down significantly from his normal weight of approximately 70kg.

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Open Case
16 March 2022

On Friday 11 March 2022, Raif Badawi was released from prison after serving a ten-year sentence. A ten-year travel ban is still being upheld against the human rights defender.

On 21 September 2019, human rights defender Raif Badawi ended his hunger strike after receiving a visit from the Saudi Human Rights Commission.

On 17 September 2019, human rights defender Raif Badawi began an open-ended hunger strike over the intensifying mistreatment and worsening detention conditions he is facing.  Most recently, prison officials confiscated his books and important medicine.

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Open Case
6 December 2023

On 10 May 2023, human rights defenders Oumar Sylla, Ibrahima Diallo and Mamadou Billo Bah were released and freed on all charges. They were arbitrarily arrested without a trial, never receiving a hearing. Originally, the authorities wanted to make their release conditional upon the human rights defenders’ commitment to cease their activism. However, the three leaders and human rights defenders refused the terms of this offer.

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Open Case
6 December 2023

On 10 May 2023, human rights defenders Oumar Sylla, Ibrahima Diallo and Mamadou Billo Bah were released and freed on all charges. They were arbitrarily arrested without a trial, never receiving a hearing. Originally, the authorities wanted to make their release conditional upon the human rights defenders’ commitment to cease their activism. However, the three leaders and human rights defenders refused the terms of this offer.

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Open Case
6 December 2023

On 10 May 2023, human rights defenders Oumar Sylla, Ibrahima Diallo and Mamadou Billo Bah were released and freed on all charges. They were arbitrarily arrested without a trial, never receiving a hearing. Originally, the authorities wanted to make their release conditional upon the human rights defenders’ commitment to cease their activism. However, the three leaders and human rights defenders refused the terms of this offer.

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Open Case
22 September 2022

On 12 April 2021, Golrokh Iraee was informed that Branch 26 of Tehran Revolutionary Court had sentenced her in absentia to an additional year in prison, a two-year travel ban, and a two-year ban on participating in political parties and groups.

On the evening of 24 January 2021, the woman human rights defender Golrokh Iraee was transferred from Qarchak prison in Varamin, the southern neighbourhood of Tehran, to Amol prison in north Iran.

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Open Case
9 December 2021

On 19 July 2023, Egyptian president Abdel Fattah El-Sisi granted a presidential pardon to the detained human rights defenders Mohamed El-Baqer and Patrick George Zaki. This decision came one day after Patrick George Zaki was sentenced to three years in prison, and both human rights defenders were subsequently released on 20 July 2023. At the time of his release, Mohamed El-Baqer had spent almost four years in prison, while Patrick George Zaki was previously detained for 22 months.

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Open Case
3 March 2023

On 1 March 2023, prominent human rights defender Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja informed his family of gross ill-treatment by prison guards in relation to serious health complications that he is experiencing.

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Open Case
9 February 2023

Front Line Defender welcomes the release of the human rights defender John Cerna, who was released in a group of 222 political prisoners and human rights defenders deported from Nicaragua to the United States of America.

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Open Case
4 July 2022

On 24 June 2022, two years and seven months after his arbitrary detention, human rights defender Fredy García Ramírez was released after the Unitary Trial Court of Huatulco, of the Judicial Power of the State of Oaxaca acquitted him on the grounds that there was no evidence to support the accusation against him.

On 10 July 2020, imprisoned human rights defender Fredy García was severely beaten and threatened by a group of prison guards in Tanivet prison in Tlacolula, Oaxaca.

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Open Case
21 December 2021

On 20 December 2021, the New Cairo Emergency State Security Misdemeanour Court sentenced human rights defenders Mohamed El-Baqer and Mohamed Ibrahim to four years in prison.

Human rights defender Mohamed Ibrahim continues to suffer from arbitrary measures in prison since March 2020, which have had severe impact on his mental and physical well-being and led him recently to attempt to commit suicide in Tora Maximum-Security Prison 2. He has been detained in this prison since August 2020.

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Open Case
22 July 2021

On 17 July, the Public Prosecution Office ordered the release of Esraa Abdel Fattah on bail after spending almost 22 months in pre-trial detention.

On 7 April 2021, the State Public Prosecution renewed the detention of Esraa Abdel Fattah for an additional 45 days. The woman human rights defender has been held in pre-trial detention since 12 October 2019, on charges of 'joining an illegal organisation', 'defamation and the spread of false news' and 'misuse of social media’.

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Open Case
11 May 2021

On 5 May 2021, human rights defender Johan Sebastián Moreno Castro was released from the Immediate Reaction Unit (URI) of the Attorney General's Office in Bucaramanga after being arbitrarily detained and ill-treated by police officers for more than 10 hours. The defender’s detention occurred in the context of the ongoing national strike against a tax reform promoted by the government of President Iván Duque and against police brutality in Colombia.

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Open Case
13 April 2021

On 8 April 2021 the Court of Cassation rejected the appeal submission by the Public Prosecution against the Criminal Court’s decision to refrain from pronouncing punishment in relation to the charges of ‘misuse of the phone’ and ‘demonstration’ against human rights defenders Abdullah Al-Fadhli and Abdulhakim Al-Fadhli. The Court rejected the appeal as it had been submitted after the time period for appeal had lapsed.

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