Durum: Charged Jolovan Wham 24 Kasım 2020Jolovan Wham charged Ihlaller #Yargısal Taciz #Sorgulama Yer #Singapore
Durum: Charges dropped Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (ARTUZ) 24 Ağustos 2020Charges dropped against ARTUZ HRDs Ihlaller #Yargısal Taciz #Keyfi gözaltı #Sorgulama Yer #Region: Africa #Zimbabwe
Durum: Charges dropped George Makoni 18 Ağustos 2020Charges dropped against seven HRDs Ihlaller #Yargısal Taciz #Keyfi gözaltı #Sorgulama Yer #Region: Africa #Zimbabwe
Durum: Police Harassment Dharisha Bastians 21 Temmuz 2020Human Rights Under Attack - Dharisha Bastians Ihlaller #İzleme #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis #Sorgulama Yer #Region: Asia Pacific #Sri Lanka
Durum: Soruşturma Nurcan Baysal 22 Nisan 2020Nurcan Baysal’a yönelik yargısal taciz yeni bir soruşturmayla devam ediyor Ihlaller #Sorgulama #COVID-19 Yer #Bölge: Avrupa ve Orta Asya #Türkiye
Durum: Harassment Centre for Action and Defense of Human Rights 14 Şubat 2020Continued harassment and intimidation of members of CADEF Ihlaller #İzleme #Sorgulama #Tehdit / Sindirme Yer #Region: Americas #Venezuela
Durum: Interrogated Sevan Doraisamy 18 Aralık 2019Judicial harassment of Sevan Doraisamy Ihlaller #Sorgulama Yer #Region: Asia Pacific #Malaysia
Durum: Judicial observation lifted Salah Dabouz 9 Ağustos 2019Salah Dabouz suspends hunger strike Ihlaller #Yargısal Taciz #İzleme #Keyfi gözaltı #Sorgulama Yer #Algeria
Durum: Detained and Harassed Ana Adlerstein 10 Mayıs 2019Ana Adlerstein detained at US border Ihlaller #Keyfi gözaltı #Sorgulama Yer #Region: Americas #Mexico #United States of America
Durum: Summoned for questioning by police Numan Afifi 17 Nisan 2019Numan Afifi summoned for questioning by police over speech delivered at UN Ihlaller #Sorgulama Yer #Region: Asia Pacific #Malaysia
Durum: Released Samiul Biswas 3 Nisan 2019Samiul Biswas granted bail Ihlaller #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis #Sorgulama Yer #India