Durum: Released Haytham Mohamadeen 11 Ekim 2016Ongoing detention of Haytham Mohamadeen Ihlaller #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis #Sorgulama Yer #Egypt
Durum: Interrogated and harassed Zhen Jianghua 9 Eylül 2016Police harassment against Zhen Jianghua Ihlaller #Sorgulama #Diğer Tacizler Yer #China
Durum: Summoned Kachua Barman 4 Ağustos 2016Accusation against human rights defender Kachua Barman Ihlaller #Sorgulama Yer #India
Durum: Judicial Harassment Lina Ben Mhenni 13 Temmuz 2016HRD Lina Ben Mhenni questioned and charged with insulting a police officer Ihlaller #Sorgulama #Tehdit / Sindirme Yer #Tunisia
Durum: Questioned Keiso Mohloboli 13 Temmuz 2016Journalist questioned after publishing article on the head of the Lesotho Defence Force Ihlaller #Sorgulama Yer #Lesotho
Durum: Travel Ban, Summoned Abdulnabi Al-Ekry 20 Haziran 2016Travel Ban Imposed on Abdulnabi Al-Ekry Ihlaller #Seyahat Yasağı #Sorgulama Yer #Bahrain
Durum: Assets Frozen Ahmed Samih 17 Haziran 2016Egyptian Court Orders Freeze of Assets of the Andalus Institute and its Director, Ahmed Samih Ihlaller #Yargısal Taciz #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis #Sorgulama Yer #Egypt
Durum: Harassed Tolekan Ismailova 25 Mayıs 2016Case History: Tolekan Ismailova Ihlaller #Karalama Kampanyası #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis #Sorgulama #Tehdit / Sindirme Yer #Kyrgyzstan
Durum: Harassment Aziza Abdirasulova 19 Mayıs 2016Public insult of human rights defenders Tolekan Ismailova and Aziza Abdirasulova Ihlaller #Karalama Kampanyası #Sorgulama #Tehdit / Sindirme Yer #Bölge: Avrupa ve Orta Asya #Kyrgyzstan
Durum: Judicial Harrassment Prosper Tiringindi 17 Mayıs 2016Case History: Prosper Tiringindi Ihlaller #Yargısal Taciz #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis #Sorgulama Yer #Zimbabwe
Durum: Fined Mohamed Nagui 15 Mayıs 2016Case history: Mohamed Nagui Ihlaller #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis #Sorgulama Yer #Egypt