Statement 27 نُوامبر 2020 Request to raise serious concerns over the ongoing crackdown on human rights defenders in India حقوق #حقوق بشر موارد نقض حقوق بشر #آزار و اذیت قضایی #دستگیری / بازداشت / حبس مکان #Region: Asia Pacific #India Read more about Request to raise serious concerns over the ongoing crackdown on human rights defenders in India
Statement 29 سِپتامبر 2020 Amnesty International Forced to Halt Work in India حقوق #حقوق بشر موارد نقض حقوق بشر #آزار و اذیت قضایی #تهدید / ارعاب مکان #Region: Asia Pacific #India Read more about Amnesty International Forced to Halt Work in India
Statement 10 ژوئیه 2020 Request to raise serious concerns and urge progress on the situation of human rights defenders during the upcoming 15th EU-India Summit of 15 July 2020 حقوق #حقوق مدنی و سیاسی #اعتراض / تجمع #حقوق اقتصادی، اجتماعی و فرهنگی موارد نقض حقوق بشر #اقدامات تلافیجویانه #آزار و اذیت قضایی #دستگیری / بازداشت / حبس #COVID-19 مکان #Region: Asia Pacific #India Read more about Request to raise serious concerns and urge progress on the situation of human rights defenders during the upcoming 15th EU-India Summit of 15 July 2020
Statement 26 مه 2020 Release human rights defenders at risk in the context of COVID-19 حقوق #Student Rights / Education #آزادی بیان #اعتراض / تجمع موارد نقض حقوق بشر #بازداشت خودسرانه #COVID-19 مکان #Region: Asia Pacific #India Read more about Release human rights defenders at risk in the context of COVID-19
Statement 8 مه 2020 False charges against and persecution of student human rights defenders and those involved in peaceful protests against the Citizen Amendment Act 2019 حقوق #Student Rights / Education #حقوق بشر موارد نقض حقوق بشر #آزار و اذیت قضایی #دستگیری / بازداشت / حبس مکان #Region: Asia Pacific #India Read more about False charges against and persecution of student human rights defenders and those involved in peaceful protests against the Citizen Amendment Act 2019
Statement 24 ژانوِیه 2020 Nationwide crackdown on peaceful protests against the Citizen (Amendment) Act 2019 حقوق #Citizen Participation #آزادی بیان #اعتراض / تجمع موارد نقض حقوق بشر #بازداشت خودسرانه #خشونت #حمله فیزیکی مکان #Region: Asia Pacific #India Read more about Nationwide crackdown on peaceful protests against the Citizen (Amendment) Act 2019
Statement 13 اوت 2019 India must ensure the safety of human rights defenders in Jammu and Kashmir حقوق #حقوق مدنی و سیاسی #حقوق اقتصادی، اجتماعی و فرهنگی موارد نقض حقوق بشر #آزار و اذیت قضایی مکان #Region: Asia Pacific #India Read more about India must ensure the safety of human rights defenders in Jammu and Kashmir
Statement 26 ژوئیه 2019 Indian Government should withdraw criminal charges against NGO ‘Lawyers Collective’ and its representatives حقوق #حقوق بشر #حقوق زنان / جنسیت #حقوق مدنی و سیاسی #حقوق اقتصادی، اجتماعی و فرهنگی #دسترسی به بهداشت و درمان موارد نقض حقوق بشر #آزار و اذیت قضایی مکان #Region: Asia Pacific #India Read more about Indian Government should withdraw criminal charges against NGO ‘Lawyers Collective’ and its representatives
Statement 8 فِورِیه 2019 Immediately Withdraw the Fabricated Charges against Human Rights Defenders in West Bengal حقوق #حقوق مدنی و سیاسی موارد نقض حقوق بشر #کارزار تخریب #آزار و اذیت قضایی مکان #India Read more about Immediately Withdraw the Fabricated Charges against Human Rights Defenders in West Bengal
Statement 18 مارس 2016 Arrest of HRD and Journalist Pushp Sharma حقوق #آزادی بیان موارد نقض حقوق بشر #آزار و اذیت قضایی #دستگیری / بازداشت / حبس مکان #India Read more about Arrest of HRD and Journalist Pushp Sharma