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Agnes Daroczi

Agnes Daroczi

HRD, Director
Romano Instituto Foundation
New York Times Article

In Hungary, Roma Get Art Show, Not a Hug

Göncz Árpád Prize

Göncz Árpád-díjat kapott Daróczi Ágnes újságíró

Budapest Beacon Article

Roma Holocaust historian Agnes Daroczi: We are shocked and puzzled

I would like to ask you not to treat us as special. Be good patriots and loyal democrats. Give us an insitution, money and the opportunity because we could fight against the ever-growing extreme right-wing and the more and more racist morale. Indeed, with the power of culture.

Agnes Daroczi is a Hungarian human rights defender and Director of the Romano Instituto Foundation. The Romano Instituto Foundation was established in 2010 in order to urge on the creation of the Roma institutions missing to this day, to promote mutual acceptance and the inclusion of the Roma with the instruments of science, research and public discussion.

Agnes has worked for decades to defend the rights of the Roma community in Hungary, engaging in activities from supporting Roma victims of right-wing violence to working to establish Roma cultural institutions and documenting and archiving the history of the Roma people, including the extent of the decimation of the community at the hands of the Nazis during World War II.


The Roma community faces systemic discrimination, through attacks and forced evictions, and right-wing political factions have encouraged violence and intimidation against the Roma people.


Agnes Daroczi's Speech at Hejoszalonta Against a Neonazi March