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Antécédents de l'affaire: Carlos Pérez Guartambel

À propos de la situation

Le 8 décembre 2015, le leader autochtone et défenseur des droits humains M. Carlos Pérez Guartambel s'est rendu à l'hôpital pour la 3e fois après une agression dont il a été victime lors d'une série de manifestations organisées le 3 décembre 2015 en Équateur.

Le défenseur des droits humains a été piétiné par des chevaux de la police qui l'avaient suivi pendant toute la marche. Avant cela, de nombreux manifestants et défenseur-ses des droits humains en Équateur ont été arrêtés, harcelés et intimidés.

À propos de Carlos Pérez Guartambel

Carlos Perez GuartambelCarlos Pérez Guartambel est défenseur des droits humains, leader autochtone et président de la Confederación de Pueblos de la Nacionalidad Kichwa del Ecuador – ECUARUNARI (confédération des peuples de nationalité Kichwa d'Équateur), une organisation dont le principal objectif est de sensibiliser à la question des violations des droits humains perpétrées contre les communautés autochtones et de protéger et promouvoir les droits humains dans le pays, notamment ceux des populations indigènes.

15 Décembre 2015
Indigenous rights defender Carlos Pérez Guartambel severely injured by police

On 8 December 2015, Carlos Pérez Guartambel was discharged from Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso a few days after he was brutally assaulted by mounted police officers during a peaceful demonstration in Quito on 3 December 2015. That was the human rights defender's third visit to a hospital to seek treatment in relation to the violence he suffered. As a result of the attack the human rights defender suffered multiple injuries, receiving 11 stitches on his face and head. Carlos Pérez Guartambel was also reported to be urinating blood as a consequence of internal bleeding caused by the attack.

The attack happened on 3 December 2015, in the context of a series of demonstrations in different parts of Ecuador aimed at opposing the recent approval of constitutional amendments authorising President Correa to run indefinitely for re-election. Ecuadorian human rights defenders also reported that twenty-one protesters were arrested and sentenced to 15 days in prison for “offending the honour of police officers” in a summary trial on the day following the arrest.

Incidents of persecution, threats and harassment against human rights defenders and indigenous leaders have increased since August 2015, when many human rights defenders, including Carlos Pérez Guartambel, participated in the Marcha de la Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador - Conaie (March of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador).

Ecuador's police has regularly used excessive force when disrupting protests. They have justified such action by pointing out the presence of disruptive individuals in the demonstrations. The Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, Maina Kiai, has repeatedly stated that police have the duty to distinguish between peaceful demonstrators and agents provocateurs and that the presence of a few people engaging in violence in and around a protest does not authorize police to violently disrupt the whole demonstration or to use force against or arrest any protester indiscriminately.