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Charlene Carruthers

Charlene Carruthers

HRD, National Director
Black Youth Project 100

Charlene A. Carruthers is a Black, queer feminist community organizer and writer with over 10 years of experience in racial justice, feminist and youth leadership development movement work. She currently serves as the national director of the Black Youth Project 100 (BYP100), an activist member-led organization of Black 18-35 year olds dedicated to creating justice and freedom for all Black people.

She is an Arcus Leadership Fellow and Front Line Leadership Academy graduate who has led grassroots and digital strategy campaigns for national organizations including the Center for Community Change, the Women’s Media Center, and National People’s Action, as well as being a member of a historic delegation of young activists in Palestine in 2015 to build solidarity between Black and Palestinian liberation movements.

United States

HRDs in the United States of America advocating and organizing for full equal rights of black, Latino and indigenous communities face stigmatization, police and government surveillance and harassment.


Lessons from Gerguson - Charlene Carruthers