Prensa Comunitaria
Prensa Comunitaria is an independent news outlet comprising of a multidisciplinary team of journalists, artists, feminists and activists of Mayan origin q'anjob'al, k'iché´, q'eqchi, pocomchi ', kaqchikel, chuj and mestizo. Prensa Comunitaria was established as an alternative press agency on December 20, 2012. They originated in 2005 as an academic research project to study the humanitarian crisis resulting from the imposed extractive model in Guatemala. Currently, Prensa Comunitaria works from a community level to rescue historical memory and visibilise issues such as structural violence, violence against women, racial discrimination and forced migration.
Since 2017, journalists from the independent media outlet Prensa Comunitaria have been subjected to direct threats, digital attacks, intimidation against them and their families and surveillance in their homes and work places. The frequency of these attacks has notably increased in recent months, as a result of its legitimate work in defense of human rights.