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Meltem Aslan

Meltem Aslan

HRD, Co-Director
Truth Justice Memory Center

Meltem Aslan is a human rights defender focusing on reconciliation and justice, enforcing dialogue through art and culture. She is the former Director General of Anadolu Kültür. She is also a founding member of the Truth Justice Memory Center and the Co-Director of the Center. Previously, she has worked at Kadın Yurttaş Ağı Derneği (Female Citizens’ Network) and Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation on women’s rights issues and enhancing local governmental authorities.

turkey protest

Human rights defenders (HRDs) in Turkey have been subjected to judicial harassment, including criminal prosecution, violent attacks, threats, surveillance, prolonged arbitrary detention, and ill-treatment. In the aftermath of an attempted coup in July 2016, the environment for the work of HRDs deteriorated even further.