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Ayşe Lerzan Caner Conde

HRD & Founder
Association of Solidarity and Mutual Assistance to Migrants (ASEM)

Ayşe Lerzan Caner Conde is a human rights defender and one of the founders of Association of Solidarity and Mutual Assistance to Migrants (ASEM), she is working for human rights voluntarly for years in Turkey.

Turkey police

HRDs, journalists, cultural workers, academics and anyone promoting and defending the rights of the Kurdish community and the rights of religious, cultural, and sexual minorities, or women and labour rights, continue to undergo various forms of reprisals, discrimination, and attacks. They are frequently falsely accused of "being a member of an armed terrorist organization", "propaganda of terrorism","insulting the Turkish President" and/or "revealing state secrets". Lawyers who provide legal assistance to HRDs and civil and political activists also face huge obstacles in performing their work and are at risk of arrest, detention, and prosecution.