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11 Janeiro 2020

A Análise Global 2019 detalha os ataques físicos, campanhas de difamação, ameaças à segurança digital, assédio judicial e ataques com base em gênero enfrentados por defensores e defensoras de direitos humanos em todo o mundo. Como demonstraram os recentes eventos de Hong Kong a Bagdá, defensores/as de direitos humanos estão na vanguarda das mudanças sociais e enfrentam ameaças e riscos significativos por isso – seja exigindo liberdades civis e políticas ou protegendo o meio ambiente e combatendo as mudanças climáticas.

14 Novembro 2019

The 2019 Dublin Platform was held from 2 to 4 October in Dublin Castle and convened 114 human rights defenders (HRDs) from 90 countries, along with a wide range of other international guests. This remarkable gathering provides HRDs with an opportunity to amplify their voices internationally and to major stakeholders in the human rights field and learn effective strategies to help protect them in their work.

Download the 2019
Dublin Platform Report

6 Maio 2019

Dispatches 2018 presents the work Front Line Defenders has undertaken around the world for the protection and security of human rights defenders at risk in 2018, including the impact of grants, training, advocacy, visibility, rest & respite and other programs.

7 Janeiro 2019

A Análise Global 2018 detalha as agressões físicas, campanhas de difamação, ameaças à segurança digital, perseguição judicial e ataques baseados em gênero enfrentados por defensores e defensoras de direitos humanos. Dezembro de 2018 marcou o 20º aniversário da Declaração sobre Defensores de Direitos Humanos e o 70º aniversário da Declaração Universal de Direitos Humanos, mas defensores e defensoras em todo o mundo continuam a enfrentar ameaças letais de atores estatais, não-estatais e corporações em suas lutas pacíficas por direitos.

23 Abril 2018

Dispatches 2017 presents the work Front Line Defenders has undertaken around the world for the protection and security of human rights defenders at risk in 2017, including the impact of grants, training, advocacy, visibility, rest & respite and other programs. 2017 marks the 10th year of Risk Assessment and Protection Planning training, while the year also saw the expansion of the programme with the addition of a Security Advisor and an additional Protection Coordinator in West Africa.

22 Janeiro 2018

Em um contexto global altamente contestado, no qual o avanço dos direitos humanos tem desafiado cada vez mais ditadores, conservadores religiosos e capitalistas abutres, há o crescimento de uma estratégia coordenada e bem dotada de recursos para difamação, criminalização e violência empregadas a fim de intimidar, marginalizar e s

30 Novembro 2017

The 2017 Dublin Platform for Human Rights Defenders brought together more than 110 human rights defenders (HRDs) from 99 countries and numerous international guests to share experiences, learn from each other and develop new and more effective strategies for their security and protection. This unique forum gave participating HRDs an opportunity to speak out about challenges and risks they face in their work, analyse new and well-established patterns of oppression and develop strategies to remain resilient and effective.

7 Agosto 2017

María Magdalena Tun didn’t choose to become a human rights defender. But when private companies started evicting local communities in her region, polluting the rivers and destroying the forests, she realised she could not sit idly by: she had to defend the rights of her people.

5 Julho 2017

On World Environment Day, we honour the struggle of Guatemalan HRDs who are risking their life to defend environmental rights

Two weeks ago, indigenous and land rights defender Carlos Maaz Coc attended a peaceful demonstration in El Estor, Guatemala. Together with other fishermen and farmers, he was protesting against the contamination caused by nickel mining projects in his region.

