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29 November 2016

Remembering Evgeny Nikolayev

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Front Line Defenders is deeply saddened by the news of the death of Russian human rights defender and medical expert Evgeny Nikolayev, who passed away on 29 November 2016 from a long battle with cancer.

Evgeny Nikolayev was the head of the Pyatigorsk subdivision of The 124 Medical and Forensic Identification lab and worked closely with Public Verdict, a human rights organisation that provides legal assistance for survivors of torture and for people whose rights were violated by the law enforcement agents. His medical examinations helped to debunk misleading and, at times, intentionally falsified investigations carried out by Russian authorities.

Evgeny was an experienced and uncompromising human rights defender, and man of integrity who worked relentlessly against the falsification of forensic evidence. Evgeny was the author of a breakthrough methodology on how to prove the use of “clean torture techniques”. This methodology allows medical professionals to prove the use of torture by electric shock even long after death. His expertise and medical examinations helped restore justice for families of the victims of torture.

“Evgeny’s death is a huge loss for the medical expert community and for the criminal justice system. His expertise saved many innocent people from torture, and helped victims of torture to seek justice,”
- Natalia Taubina, the director of Public Verdict.

Front Line Defenders conveys its sincere condolences to the family, colleagues and friends of Evgeny Nikolayev.