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Imedla Urio

Imelda Urio

HRD, Acting Director
Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC)

Imelda Urio is a members of the Tanzanian Civil Society Election Consortium (TACCEO), an election observation team created to monitor the Tanzanian electoral process in 2015. TACCEO is currently hosted by the secretariat of the Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC), an organisation that provides legal aid and raises awareness about human rights issues amongst Tanzanian civil society through human rights education, research and monitoring. Imelda Urio currently serves as the acting director of LHRC.


The government of Tanzania uses administrative measures to restrict the operating space for civil society in Tanzania. To date the government has made no significant efforts to investigate and prosecute cases involving violations of the rights of human rights defenders (HRDs). In several cases involving HRDs, the perpetrators have not been held accountable for their actions.