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Dublin Platform

Dublin Platform

The 2022 Dublin Platform took place from 26 - 28 October 2022.


Established in 2002, the Dublin Platform for Human Rights Defenders is a biennial event providing a truly unique opportunity for human rights defenders from almost every country in the world to gather in Dublin. Over three days in Dublin Castle, HRDs share strategies for advocacy and protection, build solidarity with colleagues around the world, and network with high-level decision makers from governmental and intergovernmental bodies.

"For me to be here in Dublin is wonderful, because I see I'm not on my own to fight for human rights."
Russian HRD, 2005

S'bu ZikodeAhead of each Dublin Platform, Front Line Defenders works with all HRD participants to coordinate panel discussions, defender testimonies, presentations and working groups to address the most pressing security and protection issues HRD face. Considerable focus is given to methods of strengthening the mechanisms of protection, engaging the international community, holding perpetrators accountable and providing support to those under attack.

"I listen to your stories, I share your experiences and I gain confidence."
Chinese HRD, 2010



Each of the Dublin Platforms in 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2022 have brought together more than 100 human rights defenders from over 80 countries around the world. 2024 will be the 12th Dublin Platform for human rights defenders at risk.


Previous Dublin Platforms:

2022 Dublin Platform

2019 Dublin Platform

2017 Dublin Platform

2015 Dublin Platform

2013 Dublin Platform

2011 Dublin Platform

2010 Dublin Platform

2007 Dublin Platform

2005 Dublin Platform

2003 Dublin Platform

2002 Dublin Platform

Testimony by Jorge Luis Hernández Castro

Le travail des défenseur·ses des droits humains devient inconfortable et frustrant, car ceux qui détiennent le pouvoir utilisent tous les outils à leur disposition pour blesser, tuer, détenir, délégitimer et criminaliser le travail de celles et ceux d'entre nous qui se consacrent à la défense de l'espoir.



Mary Lawlor - 2015 Opening Ceremony