Status: Attacked Frifta 22 January 2020Trans woman human rights defender Frifta violently attacked by police Violations #Violence #Physical Attack Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Tunisia
Status: Released Salman Khairallah 13 December 2019Arbitrary detention of Omar Al-Amri and Salman Khairallah Violations #Arbitrary detention Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iraq
Status: Released Omar Al-Amri 13 December 2019Arbitrary detention of Omar Al-Amri and Salman Khairallah Violations #Arbitrary detention Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iraq
Status: Targeted Samer Faraj 4 December 2019Samer Faraj released Violations #Arbitrary detention #Raid / Break-in / Theft Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iraq
Status: Harassment Amel Hadjadj 28 November 2019Arbitrary detention of woman human rights defender Amel Hadjadj Violations #Verbal Abuse #Arbitrary detention #Physical Attack Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Algeria
Status: Released Saba Al Mahdawi 14 November 2019Saba Al Mahdawi released Violations #Enforced Disappearance Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iraq
Status: Imprisoned Waleed Al-Batal 13 November 2019Waleed Al Batal’s sentence reduced Violations #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment #Physical Attack Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Western Sahara
Status: Detained Fayza Abu Shamsiyya 12 November 2019WHRD Fayza Abu Shamsiyya Detained Violations #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Occupied Palestinian Territory
Status: Targeted Ali Jaseb Hattab 1 November 2019HRDs targeted amidst ongoing protests Violations #Enforced Disappearance Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iraq
Status: Targeted Ahmed Muffak 1 November 2019HRDs targeted amidst ongoing protests Violations #Enforced Disappearance #Threats / Intimidation Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iraq
Status: Targeted Safaa Al-Saray 1 November 2019HRDs targeted amidst ongoing protests Violations #Violence #Killing #Physical Attack Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iraq