Status: Released on bail Nasrin Sotoudeh 17 November 2023Nasrin Sotoudeh released on bail while still facing charges on national security Violations #Judicial Harassment #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment #Physical Attack #Torture / Ill-Treatment Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iran
Status: New Charges Narges Mohammadi 14 November 2023Narges Mohammadi faces new charges after ending hunger strike Violations #Judicial Harassment #Arbitrary detention Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iran
Status: Arrested Arash Keykhosravi 5 October 2023Arash Keykhosravi started serving a one year prison sentence Violations #Reprisals #Arbitrary detention #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iran
Status: Judicial Harassment Kamyar Fakour 6 September 2023Jafar Ebrahimi and Kamyar Fakour face new charges while Jafar Ebrahimi’s health condition worsens in detention Violations #Judicial Harassment #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iran
Status: Released Jafar Ebrahimi 6 September 2023Jafar Ebrahimi and Kamyar Fakour face new charges while Jafar Ebrahimi’s health condition worsens in detention Violations #Judicial Harassment #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment #Torture / Ill-Treatment Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iran
Status: Denied Amnesty Kamyar Fakour 24 August 2023Sarvenaz Ahmadi and Kamyar Fakour denied amnesty Violations #Reprisals #Smear Campaign #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iran
Status: Sentenced Sepideh Gholian 14 July 2023Sepideh Gholian sentenced to an additional fifteen months in prison Violations #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment #Physical Attack #Torture / Ill-Treatment Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iran
Status: Refused to seek pardon Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee 23 June 2023Iran: Golrokh Iraee refused to ask for pardon or appear before court of appeal Violations #Judicial Harassment #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iran
Status: Expelled from university Shahriyar Shams 16 June 2023Iran: Human rights defender Shahriyar Shams expelled from studies while facing two trials at revolutionary court Violations #Reprisals #Other Harassment Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iran
Status: Refused Trial Appearance Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iran Narges Mohammadi 14 June 2023Woman human rights defender Narges Mohammadi refused to appear in a trial with new charges against her
Status: Granted Medical Access Vida (Vahideh) Rabbani 8 June 2023Vida Rabbani granted medical leave for ten days Violations #Defamation #Torture / Ill-Treatment Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iran