Status: Attacks CODESA 27 October 2023 Prevention of the holding of the first national congress of the Sahrawi Collective of Human Rights Defenders (CODESA) followed by attacks to five human rights defenders Violations #Other Harassment #Physical Attack Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Western Sahara
Status: Transferred Nasta Loika 24 October 2023WHRD Nasta Loika transferred to Homel Penal Colony Violations #Reprisals #Judicial Harassment #Arbitrary detention #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment #Torture / Ill-Treatment Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Belarus
Status: Death Threats Magomed Alamov 24 October 2023Chechen authorities hold human rights defender Magomed Alamov, promising to kill him in 5 days Violations #Arbitrary detention #Other Harassment #Threats / Intimidation Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Russian Federation
Status: Death threats Javier Medardo Feijoo Villa 20 October 2023Death threats against human rights defender and community leader Javier Medardo Feijoo Villa Violations #Threats / Intimidation Location #Region: Americas #Ecuador
Status: Arrested Aliou Sané 17 October 2023Human right defender and journalist Aliou Sané arrested and imprisoned Violations #Judicial Harassment #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment Location #Region: Africa #Senegal
Status: Provisionally Released Samira Sabou 13 October 2023Samira Sabou is provisionally released Violations #Enforced Disappearance #Judicial Harassment #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment Location #Region: Africa #Niger
Status: Attacked Babloo Loitongbam 9 October 2023Human Rights Defender Babloo Loitongbam’s house vandalized in Manipur Violations #Reprisals #Physical Attack #Threats / Intimidation Location #Region: Asia Pacific #India
Status: Arrested Arash Keykhosravi 5 October 2023Arash Keykhosravi started serving a one year prison sentence Violations #Reprisals #Arbitrary detention #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iran
Status: Raid CJGEA 29 September 2023Raid on human rights training organised by the Centre for Justice, Governance and Environment Action (CJGEA) for the Uyombo Community. Violations #Raid / Break-in / Theft Location #Region: Africa #Kenya
Status: Health Deteriorated Guo Feixiong 27 September 2023Human rights defender Guo Feixiong at risk of losing his life in prison Violations #Travel Ban #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment #Torture / Ill-Treatment Location #Region: Asia Pacific #China
Status: Sentenced Adilur Rahman Khan 14 September 2023Human rights defenders Adilur Rahman and A.S.M Nasiruddin Elan sentenced to jail for two years Violations #Judicial Harassment #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment #Questioning / Interrogation #Threats / Intimidation Location #Bangladesh