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Алексей Ладин

HRD, Lawyer

Алексей Ладин - российский правозащитник и адвокат, занимающийся оказанием юридической помощи с 2017 года. Его клиентами в основном являются украинские и крымскотатарские политзаключенные в оккупированном Россией Крыму, а также украинские военнопленные и гражданские лица, которые были похищены и обвинены российскими властями в совершении уголовных преступлений.

#Crimea General Context

The environment for the work of human rights defenders (HRDs) in the Russian Federation is difficult, especially for those who defend and promote the rights of LGBTI people, ethnic and religious minorities, refugees, as well as activists of the North Caucasus and the unlawfully annexed Crimean Peninsula. HRDs are often subjected to acts of harassment, surveillance, physical attacks, threat, raids and searches on their offices and homes, slander and smear campaigns, judicial harassment, arbitrary detention, and ill-treatment, as well as violations of the rights to freedom of expression, association, and assembly. There have also been cases where HRDs have been murdered as a result of their work.