状况: Killed Father Marcelo Pérez Pérez 1 11 2024Killing of indigenous priest Marcelo Pérez Pérez 人权侵犯 #监视 #威胁/恐吓 地点 #Region: Americas #Mexico
状况: Sentenced Mohammad Habibi 24 7 2024Mohammad Habibi sentenced to six month in prison for denouncing the poisoning of school girls 人权侵犯 #报复 #司法骚扰 #监视 #逮捕/拘留/监禁 #身体攻击 地点 #Iran
状况: Surveillance Yevhenii Shulhat 12 4 2024Yevhenii Shulhat targeted with surveillance and pressure to conscribe to the military 人权侵犯 #监视 #威胁/恐吓 地点 #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Ukraine
状况: House Arrest Zola Ferreira Bambi 15 1 2024Human Rights Lawyer Zola Ferreira Bambi unlawfully placed under “house arrest” 人权侵犯 #口头侮辱 #监视 #逮捕/拘留/监禁 #身体攻击 #威胁/恐吓 地点 #Region: Africa #Angola
状况: Harassment Zillur Rahman 13 9 2023Harassment against human rights defender and executive director of the Centre for Governance Studies, Zillur Rahman 人权侵犯 #污名化 #监视 #其他骚扰 #网络攻击 地点 #地区:亚太地区 #Bangladesh
状况: Interrogated Ramachandran Sanath 5 4 2023Journalist and HRD Ramachandran Sanath summoned for interrogation by the Terrorist Investigation Department 人权侵犯 #司法骚扰 #监视 #盘问/审讯 地点 #地区:亚太地区 #Sri Lanka
状况: On trial Frente de Defensa Salvemos Chaparrí 10 8 2022Upcoming trial of environmental rights defenders who protect Chaparrí 人权侵犯 #司法骚扰 #监视 #其他骚扰 #身体攻击 地点 #Region: Americas #Peru
状况: Released Atena Daemi 2 2 2022Woman human rights defender Atena Daemi released from Lakan prison 人权侵犯 #司法骚扰 #监视 地点 #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iran