状况: Attacks & Break-Ins Central Campesina Chortí Nuevo Día 11 7 2019Further attacks and attempted break-ins against Central Campesina Ch’ortí Nuevo Día 人权侵犯 #突袭/闯入/偷盗 #身体攻击 地点 #Region: Americas #Guatemala
状况: Break-In Miluska Luzquiños 24 6 2019Break-in at home and theft of work database of Miluska Luzquiños 人权侵犯 #突袭/闯入/偷盗 地点 #Region: Americas #Peru
状况: Harassment Aleksandr Peredruk 5 4 2019Home of Aleksandr Peredruk’s parents searched 人权侵犯 #突袭/闯入/偷盗 地点 #Russian Federation
状况: Office raided Eduardo Franco 18 2 2019Escalation of attacks against organisations doing humanitarian work 人权侵犯 #盘问/审讯 #突袭/闯入/偷盗 地点 #Venezuela
状况: Released Wael Abbass 12 12 2018Wael Abbas Released from Detention 人权侵犯 #逮捕/拘留/监禁 #突袭/闯入/偷盗 地点 #Egypt
状况: Office raided, accounts frozen Amnesty International India 26 10 2018Attempts to suppress Amnesty International India 人权侵犯 #司法骚扰 #突袭/闯入/偷盗 地点 #地区:亚太地区 #India
状况: Threats & Break-In Malena Mariet Martínez Montoya 24 10 2018Break-in at workplace and threats against Malena Martínez 人权侵犯 #突袭/闯入/偷盗 #威胁/恐吓 地点 #Region: Americas #Colombia
状况: Attacked, broken into HRAPF 9 2 2018HRAPF staff brutally attacked 人权侵犯 #突袭/闯入/偷盗 #身体攻击 地点 #Uganda
状况: Home robbed Yesica Sánchez Maya 5 1 2018Trespassing and robbery of Yesica Sánchez Maya’s property 人权侵犯 #突袭/闯入/偷盗 地点 #Mexico
状况: Raided/Attacked The Foundation of the Indonesian Legal Aid Institute 19 9 2017The Foundation of the Indonesian Legal Aid Institute Raided and Attacked 人权侵犯 #突袭/闯入/偷盗 #身体攻击 地点 #Indonesia