Status: Criminal case launched Barys Haretski 22 May 2024Criminal case against human rights defender in exile Barys Haretski launched Violations #Judicial Harassment #Raid / Break-in / Theft Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Belarus
Status: Defamed Sharifa Madrakhimova 7 May 2024Defamation attack against women human rights defenders Umida Niyazova and Sharifa Madrakhimova Violations #Verbal Abuse #Defamation #Threats / Intimidation Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Uzbekistan
Status: Defamed Umida Niyazova 7 May 2024Defamation attack against women human rights defenders Umida Niyazova and Sharifa Madrakhimova Violations #Verbal Abuse #Defamation #Smear Campaign #Threats / Intimidation Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Uzbekistan
Status: Pre-trial detention Abzas Media 30 April 2024Nargiz Absalamova, Hafiz Babali, and Elnara Gasimova of Abzas Media detained on money smuggling charges Violations #Judicial Harassment #Arbitrary detention Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Azerbaijan
Status: Acquitted Iuventa 10 25 April 2024Italian court dropped charges against migrant human rights defenders in the “Iuventa” case Violations #Judicial Harassment Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Italy
Status: Surveillance Yevhenii Shulhat 12 April 2024Yevhenii Shulhat targeted with surveillance and pressure to conscribe to the military Violations #Surveillance #Threats / Intimidation Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Ukraine
Status: Re-trial Gezi Park Trial Human Rights Defenders 26 February 2024Three human rights defenders face retrial in the Gezi Park Case Violations #Judicial Harassment #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #TÜRKİYE
Status: Targeted Emil Kurbedinov 20 February 2024Human rights defender and lawyer Emil Kurbedinov targeted for a social media post Violations #Reprisals #Other Harassment Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Crimea #Ukraine
Status: Acquitted Göç İzleme Derneği (GÖÇİZDER) 13 February 2024All human rights defenders acquitted in Göç İzleme Derneği case Violations #Reprisals #Judicial Harassment #Travel Ban #Arbitrary detention Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #TÜRKİYE
Status: Founding member targeted 8MarchKZ 9 February 2024Veronika Fonova targeted while protesting the ban of International Women’s Day Demonstration in Almaty Violations #Other Harassment #Physical Attack #Threats / Intimidation Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Kazakhstan
Status: Founding member targeted Veronika Fonova 9 February 2024Veronika Fonova targeted while protesting the ban of International Women’s Day Demonstration in Almaty Violations #Reprisals #Physical Attack #Threats / Intimidation Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Kazakhstan