Durum: Pre-trial detention Abzas Media 30 Nisan 2024Nargiz Absalamova, Hafiz Babali, and Elnara Gasimova of Abzas Media detained on money smuggling charges Ihlaller #Yargısal Taciz #Keyfi gözaltı Yer #Bölge: Avrupa ve Orta Asya #Azerbaijan
Durum: Sentence on hold Bahareh Hedayat 29 Nisan 2024Bahareh Hedayat’s sentence put on hold on medical grounds Ihlaller #Yargısal Taciz #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis Yer #Bölge: Orta Doğu ve Kuzey Afrika #Iran
Durum: Acquitted Iuventa 10 25 Nisan 2024Italian court dropped charges against migrant human rights defenders in the “Iuventa” case Ihlaller #Yargısal Taciz Yer #Bölge: Avrupa ve Orta Asya #Italy
Durum: Arrested Sorath Lohar 19 Nisan 2024Excessive use of force and arrest of Sasui Lohar, Sorath Lohar and other human rights defenders seeking justice in the killing of Hidayat Lohar in Sindh Province Ihlaller #Yargısal Taciz #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis #Şiddet Yer #Region: Asia Pacific #Pakistan
Durum: Arrested Sasui Lohar 19 Nisan 2024Excessive use of force and arrest of Sasui Lohar, Sorath Lohar and other human rights defenders seeking justice in the killing of Hidayat Lohar in Sindh Province Ihlaller #Yargısal Taciz #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis #Şiddet Yer #Region: Asia Pacific #Pakistan
Durum: Judicial Harassment ADES 15 Nisan 2024Trial opened against five community leaders and environmental rights defenders of the Santa Marta community Ihlaller #Misilleme #Yargısal Taciz Yer #Region: Americas #El Salvador
Durum: Sentenced Xu Qin 3 Nisan 2024Woman human rights defender Xu Qin sentenced to four years in prison Ihlaller #Yargısal Taciz Yer #China
Durum: Released Rida Benotmane 29 Mart 2024Rida Benotmane released after serving a sentence of 18 months in prison Ihlaller #Yargısal Taciz #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis Yer #Bölge: Orta Doğu ve Kuzey Afrika #Morocco
Durum: Sentence completed Li Yuhan 27 Mart 2024Woman human rights defender Li Yuhan returned home after completing sentence Ihlaller #Yargısal Taciz #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis #İşkence / Kötü Muamele Yer #China
Durum: Released Gokarakonda Naga Saibaba 22 Mart 2024Human rights defender G.N. Saibaba acquitted of all charges and released from jail Ihlaller #Yargısal Taciz #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis Yer #India
Durum: Deceased Cao Shunli 21 Mart 2024International community renews call for accountability for Cao Shunli’s death Ihlaller #Yargısal Taciz #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis #Öldürme Yer #China