Status: Attacks CODESA 27 October 2023 Prevention of the holding of the first national congress of the Sahrawi Collective of Human Rights Defenders (CODESA) followed by attacks to five human rights defenders Violations #Other Harassment #Physical Attack Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Western Sahara
Status: Arrested Arash Keykhosravi 5 October 2023Arash Keykhosravi started serving a one year prison sentence Violations #Reprisals #Arbitrary detention #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iran
Status: Judicial Harassment Kamyar Fakour 6 September 2023Jafar Ebrahimi and Kamyar Fakour face new charges while Jafar Ebrahimi’s health condition worsens in detention Violations #Judicial Harassment #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iran
Status: Released Jafar Ebrahimi 6 September 2023Jafar Ebrahimi and Kamyar Fakour face new charges while Jafar Ebrahimi’s health condition worsens in detention Violations #Judicial Harassment #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment #Torture / Ill-Treatment Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iran
Status: Judicial Harassment Delsoz Khalaf 25 August 2023Woman human rights defender Delsoz Khalaf facing two court cases Violations #Judicial Harassment #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment #Other Harassment Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iraq
Status: Denied Amnesty Kamyar Fakour 24 August 2023Sarvenaz Ahmadi and Kamyar Fakour denied amnesty Violations #Reprisals #Smear Campaign #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iran
Status: Killed Ahmed Mohamed Abdella 10 August 2023Killing of human rights defender Ahmed Mohamed Abdella in Darfur following his kidnapping Violations #Enforced Disappearance #Violence #Attempted Killing/Assassination Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Sudan
Status: Sentenced extended Sherwan Sherwani 9 August 2023Two months before his release date, Sherwan Sherwani sentenced to additional four years in prison Violations #Judicial Harassment #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iraq
Status: Sentenced Sepideh Gholian 14 July 2023Sepideh Gholian sentenced to an additional fifteen months in prison Violations #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment #Physical Attack #Torture / Ill-Treatment Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iran
Status: Refused to seek pardon Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee 23 June 2023Iran: Golrokh Iraee refused to ask for pardon or appear before court of appeal Violations #Judicial Harassment #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iran
Status: Killed El Sadeg Mohammed Ahmed Haroun 23 June 2023Sudan: Killing of three human rights defenders in Darfur Violations #Killing Location #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Sudan