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2 Maio 2017

On 17 April, Kazim Kizil went to film a protest in Izmir, Turkey. People were demonstrating against irregularities in the voting process for the constitutional referendum, which granted president Recep Tayyip Erdogan new sweeping powers.

The rally didn’t last long. Police intervened and detained around 20 people. Kazim was one of them. His camera was seen as a threat: the Turkish authorities did not want anyone documenting the crackdown.

5 Abril 2017

O Relatório de Atividades 2016 apresenta o trabalho que a Front Line Defenders realizou em todo o mundo para a proteção e a segurança das defensoras e dos defensores de direitos humanos em risco em 2016, incluindo o impacto de subvenções, treinamentos, advocacy, visibilidade, descanso e recuperação e outros programas.

6 Março 2017

Ana Maria has helped hundreds of Dominicans of Haitian descent reclaim their rights, and resist racism and discrimination. Lorraine leads innovative education initiatives, to raise awareness about environmental rights in communities affected by coal mining in South Africa. Nisha successfully challenged a law discriminating against transgender people in Malaysia, and set up the first organisation providing support to the trans community in her country.

3 Janeiro 2017

Mais de 1000 pessoas defensoras de direitos humanos foram assassinadas, assediadas, detidas ou submetidas a campanhas de difamação e outros tipos de violações em 2016, informa a Front Line Defenders em seu Relatório Anual sobre Pessoas Defensoras de Direitos Humanos em Risco de 2016

Baixe o Relatório

9 Agosto 2016

Here are the activists at risk for defending them.

When members of Juan Francisco Martínez’s community found his body in January 2015, his body bore marks of torture. One of his hands was still tied with what appeared to be laces from military boots.

Juan, a human rights defender and indigenous Lenca man from Honduras, was found on 5 January 2015 in the village of Tapuyman in the Santa Elena Municipality of La Paz, Honduras. He had been killed the day before.

22 Fevereiro 2016

Dispatches 2015 highlights the challenges facing Front Line Defenders in providing fast and effective support to human rights defenders around the world, as the space in which HRDs can work safely continues to shrink.

14 Janeiro 2016

Como documenta o nosso Relatório Anual 2016, pelo menos 156 defensores/as de direitos humanos foram mortos/as, ou morreram enquanto estavam detidos/as, em 2015. Mais da metade desses assassinatos, 87, ocorreram na América Latina, com a Colômbia sozinha contabilizando 54 mortes. Fora das Américas, um dos números mais alarmantes foi o total de 31 assassinatos premeditados de defensores/as de direitos humanos nas Filipinas.

1 Dezembro 2015

Many companies now realise that wherever they operate, their ultimate licence to operate comes not only from legal agreements with governments, but also from their acceptance by workers, consumers, and the communities that surround them or are impacted by them. It does not mean that every company has got it right; nor does it mean it is always the fault of companies. In many instances, governments keen to build infrastructure, attract investment, or develop the economy are willing to disregard the views of communities, the rights of workers, or of consumers.

31 Março 2015

In April 2015 Front Line Defenders and Verso Books published La Lucha: The Story of Lucha Castro and Human Rights in Mexico - the first book in a series of nonfiction graphic novels. La Lucha features the real life stories of women human rights defenders (WHRDs) in northern Mexico who confront lethal challenges in order to promote human rights, justice and accountability.

