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Antécédents de l'affaire: Nasako Besingi

Condamné à la prison
À propos de la situation

Le 21 janvier 2016, le tribunal de première instance de Mundemba a condamné le défenseur de l'environnement M. Nasako Besingi à soit payer une amende, soit purger un an de prison, pour avoir organisé des rassemblements illégaux et des manifestation et pour avoir incité à manifester. Le défenseur a pris la tête d'un mouvement contre le développement de plantations destinées à la production d'huile de palme par Herakles Farms, une entreprise agro-industrielle américaine. Depuis qu'il parle ouvertement, il est victime d'acte d'intimidation, de menaces, d'arrestation, de passages à tabac et d'acharnement judiciaire.

À propos du DDH

Nasako Besingi CameroonNasako Besingi est défenseur de l'environnement et directeur de Struggle to Economize the Future Environment – SEFE (Lutte pour économiser l'environnement futur), une ONG basée dans le village de Mundemba qui revendique le droit à la terre des communautés locales dans le cadre du développement des plantations d'huile de palme par l'entreprise agro-industrielle américaine Herakles Farms.

27 Janvier 2016
Judicial harassment against human rights defender Nasako Besingi

On 21 January 2016, the Court of First Instance of Mundemba sentenced environmental rights defender Mr Nasako Besingi to either pay a fine of 344,400 CFA Francs (approximately €524) or serve one year imprisonment.

This is the second time in the past three months that the human rights defender has been sentenced in connection with his peaceful human rights work in Cameroon.

Nasako Besingi has been leading his community in the protests against the development of palm oil plantations by the American agribusiness company Herakles Farms. In 2013, the company was given authorisation to operate in protected areas and territories occupied both currently and historically by local communities. Prior to this, the company had conducted palm oil activities in Herakles for almost three years without the necessary land lease required by Cameroonian law.

The human rights defender was convicted on 21 January 2016, on charges of conducting unlawful assemblies, and organising and inciting protests. The charges were based on allegations made against him by Herakles Farms in November 2014, following a demonstration organised by Nasako Besingi, in which he distributed t-shirts displaying the quote “No plantation on our land. Herakles farms out!”.

Nasako Besingi has previously been subjected to judicial harassment in connection with his human rights work. On 3 November 2015, he was convicted on defamation charges, brought against him on the basis of claims by Herakles Farms that an article the human rights defender had published caused injury to the company. In the article in question, the human rights defender reported a violent attack he had suffered in 2012, in which he recognised the assailants as employees of Herakles Farms. The human rights defender was ordered to pay a fine of 1 million CFA Francs (approximately €1,500) or face 3 years' imprisonment. An appeal was lodged by lawyers for the human rights defender, and a decision awaits to be made.