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Resources and Publications

19 ژوئیه 2017

Search and Rescue organisations patrolling the Libyan coasts have saved thousands of lives that European border policies left to perish.

Despite their life-saving work, the employees and volunteers of these NGOs are routinely accused of colluding with traffickers and helping immigrants to illegally enter Europe.

2 مه 2017

On 17 April, Kazim Kizil went to film a protest in Izmir, Turkey. People were demonstrating against irregularities in the voting process for the constitutional referendum, which granted president Recep Tayyip Erdogan new sweeping powers.

The rally didn’t last long. Police intervened and detained around 20 people. Kazim was one of them. His camera was seen as a threat: the Turkish authorities did not want anyone documenting the crackdown.

5 آوریل 2017

دیسپچز ۲۰۱۶ فعالیت‌های فرانت لاین دیفندرز برای حفاظت و امنیت مدافعان حقوق بشر درخطر در سراسر جهان در سال ۲۰۱۶ را ارائه می‌دهد. این فعالیت‌ها شامل تأثیر کمک‌هزینه‌ها، آموزش، دفاع، پدیداری، استراحت و فرجه و دیگر برنامه‌ها همچنین آغاز برنامه یادبود، بزرگداشت مدافعان حقوق بشر کشته‌شده از زمان بیانیه جهانی حقوق بشر از سال ۱۹۹۸ می‌شود. 

دانلود دیسپچز ۲۰۱۶

6 مارس 2017

Ana Maria has helped hundreds of Dominicans of Haitian descent reclaim their rights, and resist racism and discrimination. Lorraine leads innovative education initiatives, to raise awareness about environmental rights in communities affected by coal mining in South Africa. Nisha successfully challenged a law discriminating against transgender people in Malaysia, and set up the first organisation providing support to the trans community in her country.

3 ژانوِیه 2017

فرانت لاین دیفندرز در آغاز گزارش سالیانه‌اش در مورد مدافعان حقوق بشر درخطر گزارش داد: در سال ۲۰۱۶ بیش از ۱۰۰۰ مدافع حقوق بشر کشته آزار و اذیت  و بازداشت شده و قربانی کارزارهای افترا و دیگر موارد نقض حقوق بشر شده‌اند.

دانلود گزارش

9 اوت 2016

Here are the activists at risk for defending them.

When members of Juan Francisco Martínez’s community found his body in January 2015, his body bore marks of torture. One of his hands was still tied with what appeared to be laces from military boots.

Juan, a human rights defender and indigenous Lenca man from Honduras, was found on 5 January 2015 in the village of Tapuyman in the Santa Elena Municipality of La Paz, Honduras. He had been killed the day before.

Workbook on Security
23 ژوئیه 2016

The Front Line Defenders Workbook on Security has been inspired by the hundreds of HRDs from over 50 countries who have attended Front Line Defenders workshops on security and protection. These HRDs have been able to continue their work because they have taken steps to manage their security. They have assessed their situation in a systematic way and developed strategies and tactics which best suit their unique environment.

