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Juana Raymundo

Juana Raymundo

HRD & coordinator

Juana Raymundo was a 25 years old, indigenous Mayan Ixil, professional nurse and coordinator of Farmers’ Development Committee (Comité de Desarrollo Campesino – CODECA) in the Nebaj Quiché micro-region. CODECA is a human rights organisation dedicated to promoting land rights and rural development for indigenous families in Guatemala through social participation, effective advocacy on public policies, and participation in inclusive programs to reduce the vulnerability of indigenous communities in the country. CODECA has been critical of the energy company Energuate, especially the lack of equal distribution of electric power in Guatemala after the privatization of this public service, which severely impacts campesino and indigenous communities in rural areas. The human rights defenders had been advocating for the nationalisation of electric power distribution through collective and permanent measures.

While general violence and insecurity are a serious concern, HRDs continue to experience targeted threats and attacks against their homes and offices, which are frequently subject to illegal raids and break-ins. A climate of impunity in regard to human rights violations still prevails in the country, few attacks against HRDs are investigated and even fewer result in convictions. Indeed, HRDs working on the issue of impunity, in particular the genocide trial against Efraín Ríos Montt, are particularly at risk and many have lost their lives in this struggle.