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Jose Manuel Martinez

José Manuel Martínez

HRD, Member
Colectivo Justicia Ya

José Manuel Martínez is a human rights defender and member of the Colectivo Justicia Ya (Justice Now Collective), where he promotes advocacy and debates on political issues. The Colectivo Justicia Ya was created in 2015, after the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG) arrested high-level authorities in Guatemala for corruption issues. The Collective organises social mobilisations and promotes discussions on social and political issues in the country involving democratic participation and government accountability. Due to their human rights work, other members of the Collective have also faced defamation and judicial harasmment.

Human rights defenders (HRDs) in Guatemala are subjected to death threats, physical attacks, acts of harassment, surveillance, stigmatisation, judicial harassment, arbitrary detention, forced disappearance and killings.